Flower bouquet of 10 roses
Make someone's day special with this beautiful bouquet of 10 roses from Farawlaya. A vibrant mix of colors, the arrangement is sure to brighten any room and will bring a smile to your loved ones.   For same day delivery....
LE 1,550.00
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Flower bouquet of 80 roses
This beautiful bouquet of 80 roses from Farawlaya is sure to bring joy to any recipient! Show your loved ones that you care by gifting them this endearing collection of roses.     For same day delivery. Please order before...
LE 1,150.00
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Flower bouquet of 100 roses
Gorgeous blooms make a big statement! This gorgeous flower bouquet of 100 roses from Farawlaya will make any special occasion extra special. Perfect for celebrating a birthday, anniversary, graduation, or just to show someone special how much you care.  ...
LE 1,150.00
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